What are Hybrid, Integrated, and Digital Operating Room? Differences and Similarities

What are Hybrid, Integrated, and Digital Operating Room? Differences and Similarities

The term "Operating Room Integration" may have different meanings for different hospitals. Therefore, we aim to clarify what hybrid, integrated, and digital operating rooms are and highlight their differences.

Differences from Traditional Operating Rooms

In traditional operating rooms, preoperative data must be manually provided before surgery begins. This information is available on paper or on various non-integrated digital devices. The operating room floor is often cluttered with cables, restricting the surgical team's mobility and increasing the risk of accidental equipment damage.

With technological advancements, hospitals have transitioned to hybrid, integrated, or digital operating room systems to enhance safety and efficiency in surgical procedures.

What is a Hybrid Operating Room?

Hybrid operating rooms are advanced surgical environments where high-tech medical imaging systems and surgical equipment are used simultaneously. These rooms are equipped with C-arm systems, CT (computed tomography), and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanners to facilitate real-time imaging during surgery.

Advantages of hybrid operating rooms:

  • Enables radiological and surgical procedures in a single room.
  • Allows for advanced diagnostics and treatment in a sterile environment.
  • Supports multiple surgical disciplines within the same space.

What is an Integrated Operating Room?

Integrated operating rooms allow patient information, audio, video, lighting, and imaging devices to communicate and be centrally controlled via a single console.

Benefits of integrated operating rooms:

  • Provides quicker and easier access to surgical equipment.
  • Enhances workflow efficiency by integrating various medical devices.
  • Enables real-time data and imaging management during surgeries.

What is a Digital Operating Room?

Digital operating rooms utilize software systems, medical imaging, and video integration to centralize and process data within the operating room.

Advantages of digital operating rooms:

  • Centralizes clinical imaging and patient data.
  • Allows real-time control of multiple medical devices from a single screen.
  • Seamlessly integrates with Hospital Information Systems (HIS) for streamlined patient management.

Experience the Digital Operating Room Concept with ARTECH Operating Room Integration System

The Artech Operating Room Integration System provides a solution that integrates all surgical devices into a single platform, enhancing central control, teamwork, and efficiency.

Key Benefits of the Artech Integration System:

  • Enhanced Patient Safety: Reduces the risk of surgical errors.
  • Optimized Staff Utilization: Improves workflow for surgical teams.
  • Cost Efficiency: Optimizes billing processes through time and material management.
  • Education & Conference Support: Enables live and recorded surgical broadcasts.
  • Seamless Integration: Fully compatible with HIS and PACS systems.

Transition to digital operating room systems and leverage cutting-edge technology with Artech Operating Room Integration System!


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